
We have product packaging suitable for both commercial and industrial purpose.  Customers will be able to order the product in a packaging which best suit their requirements.

Ordering System

The Harn Order System (HOS) assist customers in planning orders. Customers will be able to directly finalise the order list and to maximise the storage space.


Harn will assist customers in organising transport for reliable and fast delivery.


Showroom cabinets

Showroom cabinets provide an opportunity for customers to have a hands-on feel of the products. These cabinets come in standard sizes and designs. It may also be customised for specific requirements upon request.

Custom Cover Caps

We have product packaging suitable for both commercial and industrial purpose.  Customers will be able to order the product in a packaging which best suit their requirements.

Marketing Information

We provide free marketing information that will assist our customers in marketing Harn drawer systems.



Harn provides assembly and installation guides in the form of leaflets which are inserted with the product to assist installers.


Harn participates in wide range of tradeshows.

Harn 2019. All rights reserved. Website by Dorset Australia